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Welcome to the website of CBLogBook!

This CBLogBook is a free online LOG for CB radio friends.

How to use this portal?

1. Please register! (Create account)
2. Please login!
3. If you have a logger database, please upload your .adi file to CBLogBook! (UPLOAD menu)
4. After uploading the conversion program will be automatically run, and your log will be immediately viewable in the loglist.
5. If you want type online your contact data to the CBLogBook, please use the ADD CONTACT menu!
6. If you want to save your database, please use the DOWNLOAD LOG menu! It will create your CBLogBook database as your_callsign.adi file.

The CBLogBook database is public for everyone.

Do you have your own website?

If you want to place your online log on your own site, then once you register for CBLogBook you will be provided with a snipped of code to add to your homepage that places your logbook on your homepage.

For example it's:

More example website:

30AT252 website

If you inserted this online log into your website, please write me, and I place your link to here.

How to insert the online log into your website?

In case you had registered and you logged in then you can see here the portion of HTML code to be inserted into your website.
Please come back after you are logged!

Mylog as image.
For example it's an image:

How to insert the last 15 contacts from your log into your website as image?

In case you had registered and you logged in then you can see here the portion of HTML code to be inserted into your website.
Please come back after you are logged!

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